Goat milk is loaded with probiotics that help to support digestion by increasing the population of healthy bacteria in our dog’s digestive tract. supporting your dogs digestion helps to improve nutrient absorption, boosts immune system and aids in filtering out toxins.

Raw goat’s milk contains both anti-mucous and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a perfect supplement for dogs who suffer from allergies of any sort, including food and environmental allergies. Raw goat’s milk can help to make the steroids that you are forced to give your pet a thing of the past.

Goat’s milk can help your dog recover from a number of conditions.

Kidney disease and kidney stones

Heavy metal poisoning


Urinary tract problems

Liver disease

Gastrointestinal disease

It can also help your dog manage or even prevent diabetes by improving her sensitivity to insulin.

If your dog is suffering from inflammation feed her goat’s milk in her next meal. The enzymes in goat’s milk can reduce the bacteria causing inflammation in her gut. They also reduce inflammation elsewhere in the body, relieving discomfort. For this reason, goat’s milk is also ideal for dogs suffering from food or environmental allergies. Another way goat’s milk benefits dogs are by repairing gaps between the cells in the gut caused by previous inflammation. This prevents leaky gut syndrome-where pathogens and bad bacteria are able to enter the body and cause an array of health problems.

Dogs who have suffered malnutrition (such as rescue dogs). Recover more quickly when they receive goat’s milk. The delicious flavor is also appealing to even the sickest of dogs, including dogs who are sick, old or weaning puppies who are initially resistant to eating solid food.

Goat’s milk allows your dog to receive a daily intake of some essential vitamins and minerals including:

Calcium for bone health

Riboflavin(B2) to metabolize fats and carbohydrates

Phosphorus for healthy bones and teeth; for synthesizing proteins; for using carbohydrates and fats; found for repairing cells and tissues

Potassium for muscle and nerve function

Vitamin B12 to maintain the pancreas

Magnesium for almost all the bodily functions, including mood

Iron for red blood cell production

Selenium and zinc for thyroid function and the immune system

All the above nutrients are present in goat’s milk in a natural form, which means they are more easily available to your dog’s body than synthetic versions. For this reason, goat’s milk can prevent conditions like malabsorption, anemia and bone demineralization. The high levels of potassium are another benefit of goat’s milk, making it a great antacid. Therefore, goat’s milk helps you dog achieve the right PH throughout her digestive system.